Course Outline
Language Hierarchy, Assembler Program Components, Program Components
Machine Concepts – Byte, Nibble, Words, Central Processing Unit (CPU) – PSW, Condition
codes Instruction Address – Registers, Base Registers, Volatile Registers
Addressing, Machine Instruction Formats, Assembler
Language Formats
Assembler Language Syntax, The Assembly Process
Data Representation – Binary, Packed decimal, Instructions ALC Basics – ALC coding rules,
statements, comments, common instructions Assembler Instructions – TITLE, EJECT, SPACE,
The Define Storage (DS) Instruction, The Define Constant (DC) Instruction,
Literals DS Instruction, Duplication factor, DC instruction Machine Instructions – MVC, CLC, B
Defining Data Sets, Data Transfer
Macros MACRO Instructions – OPEN, GET, PUT, CLOSE, DCB, ALC Program Organization
Load and Store Instructions, Move Instructions
Decision Making in Assembler, Compare Instructions, Branching,
Building Structured Constructs.
Decimal to Binary Conversion, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
The Iterative Loop, Address Arithmetic, Processing Arrays
EQU(Equate),MVI(Move Immediate) , CLI(Compare Logical
Immediate),CP(Compare Decimal) ,BC(Branch on condition)
AP Instruction, SP, ZAP(Zero and Add), PACK , UNPK, OI,MP,DP,
Subprogram Linkage – The calling program , Statics Versus Dynamic Calls, Static Calls,
Dynamic Calls
Pointing to the Parm list, Checking the Return
code LTR instruction(load and Test Register), CH,-Dynamic Calls using LOAD,BALR
Boolean Operations, Shifting Instructions, Testing Bit Values
Subroutines – BAL, ST, L, BR, AP, SP
Linkage, Parameters and Registers, Multiple Base Registers. TR,TRT,BXLE,EX,IC
External Subroutines - Linkage conventions, DSECT - External Versus Internal subroutines,
- Finding Assembly Errors, Finding Execution Errors VSAM MACROS
Integrating with COBOL, CICS, DB2, VSAM
Assembler Debugging and dump reading