Course Outline
Stakeholders of DevOps
What is SDLC
Phases of SDLC
Role Of Dev in SDLC
Role of Ops in SDLC
Introduction-Tools-DevOps Technology Categories-Collaboration-Planning-Configuration Management-Source Control-Dev Environments-Continuous Integration-Continuous Testing Continuous Deployment
Introduction-What is a Version Control System (VCS)?-Distributed Vs Non-distributed VCS What is Git and where did it come from?`-Alternatives to Git-Git Hub Account Setup Obtaining Git Installing Git-Key Terminology-Staging Vs Un-Staging-Adding Files to Staging Ares-Removing Files from Staging Area-Commit to Local Repository-Push to Central Repository-Repository Cloning-Stashes & Stash Apply--Branching in Git
Why we need Branches-Cloning & Switching Branches-Fetching Changes (git fetch) Rebasing (git rebase)-Git Pull-Git Conflicts-Branch Merging-Pull Request-Merging & Re Basing-Deleting a Branch
What is Build Tool--Automated build process--Maven Introduction & Objectives--Maven Installation--Maven Terminology--Maven Archetypes--Maven Project Creation--Maven Dependencies--Maven Repositories--Local Repo--Central Repo--Remote Repo--Maven Goals
Introduction--How to achieve Continuous Integration with Jenkins--JENKINS Server Setup Jenkins Jobs--How to integrate Jenkins with Maven--Jenkins dashboard--Jenkins plugins – how to download and use---Setup and Running Jenkins Jobs---Configure Dashboard Configure System Environment Global Properties---Create and configure a job Run a job manually Triggering a Build Scheduled Build job Manual Build job--Polling SCM--Post- Build Actions Archiving Build Results Notifications--Jenkins Plugins--Jenkins Master Slave Architecture--Jenkins Pipeline Introduction-Multi Stage Pipeline--Jenkins with Maven & Git Integration--Jenkins with Sonar Integration---Jenkins with Nexus Integration--Jenkins with Docker Integration---Jenkins with Kubernetes Integration
What is Configuration Management--What is Ansible—Introduction--Installing Ansible Testing with First Ansible Commands--Introduction to Play Books--YML File
Writing Play Books--Play Books Execution—Tags—Handlers --- Introduction to Roles
Role Basics--Creating Role--Ansible Galaxy--Ansible Tower
Introduction--What is Docker--Life without Docker--Life with Docker---Installing Docker on Linux--What is container--Docker run command---Working with images--Container Life cycle--Docker File--Docker Network--Docker Volumes---Docker Compose Docker Swarm