Course Outline
Identify typical objectives of testing
Give examples of why testing is necessary
Distinguish between error, defect, and failure
Explain the seven testing principles
Describe the test activities and respective tasks within the test process
Explain the value of maintaining traceability between the test basis and test work
Explain the relationships between software development activities and test activities in the software development lifecycle
Compare functional, non-functional, and white-box testing
Compare the purposes of confirmation testing and regression testing
Apply a review technique to a work product to find defects
Write a defect report, covering a defect found during testing
Classify test tools according to their purpose and the test activities they support
Identify benefits and risks of test automation
Data types and Operators
Switch Statement, If statement, For loop, For each loop,
While, Do while loop… Access Modifiers
Introduction to OOPs, Understanding Classes & Objects
Constructors, Static keyword and this Keyword
Strings and its functions …String Builder and Buffer
Arrays and its methods
Parameterized Methods
Introduction to Inheritance, Types of Inheritance Polymorphism, it types and examples
Abstractrion and examples, Interface and Examples Encapsulation and examples
Exceptions and exception handling thru Try,Catch, Finally
Collection Framework - Intro and List
Cont… Java Collections Queue and Set
JDBC Collections, Java Threads, Serialization, Synchronization …
Introduction to WebDriver, Selenium WebDriver Architecture,Benefits of Web Driver over Selenium IDE and RC, Limitations of Web Driver
Writing First WebDriver Test, Locating UI Elements-Developers Tools, Locators in Selenium, Locating Elements by CSS Selectors
"Introduction to Xpath, Types of Xpath, Locating Elements by XPath
WebDriver API Methods - findElement() and findElements()"
Interacting with Form Elements Using WebDriver API
Interacting with Dropdown-box Using WebDriver API
Handling Popup Dialogs and Alerts, Handling Multiple Windows in Selenium WebDriver, getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles() - Example
"Execute JavaScript Based Code in Selenium WebDriver
JavaScript Executor – Scenarios"
Exception Handling…., POM, …
Taking screenshot in Selenium
Selenium with TestNG, and installation and its features, running testcases, testngxml, include and exclude test cases
TestNG annotations with groups, description, timeOut, priority, dependsOnMethod, enabled
TestNG annotations with @BeforeSuite, @BeforeTest, @BeforeClass, @BeforeMethod, @Test, @AfterMethod, @AfterClass, @AfterTest
@AfterSuite, TestNg with ItestListener, Screenshot with Failed testcases, TestNg with ItestResult, Postman with API, Put, Patch, Get…"
Postman Intro and Installation, Updates, Sending API Requests
Postman Cont…Collections, Variables and Scripts
What is REST API?, Why use REST API? Principles of REST API
Methods of REST API, Automating with rest API
BDD Intro and, BDD Framework, Features of BDD, Gherkin Language Basics, Generating Behavior test cases, Cucmber intro, Frame work, Feature file, Step definition, Test runner class, Given, When, Then, And, But Keyword
Scenario Outline,,Creating tags, Categorizing tests based on tags
Data Tables, Hooks, Background in Cucumber
Parametreized test cases, Running testcases with test runner and html report
Introduction to different design patterns and its real time use cases
important components of test framework design, designing framework from scratch
Complete project and demonstrate competency to work as QE. Automation of the given case study – A Full stack app – the participants shall create the framework in and automation of all functionalities in Finally, implement the CI in the automation of the project.
Interview Preparation Session
Final Assessment